Crystal Sayers

 Intuitive Reader, Energy Healer and Spiritual Guide.

Crystal Sayers Bio

Crystal has been sharing messages from Spirit/Source since she was 12 years old. Her passion for helping people heal and for sharing these messages has taken her to several countries including Australia, Malaysia, India, China, Japan, South Africa and Egypt. Crystal has been working professionally as an Intuitive Reader, BodyTalk and Energy Healing Practitioner since 2020. Prior to this, she worked within the social services field for over 20 years which included working with the homeless, those in addiction, mental health, women exiting sexual exploitation and those with special needs.

Crystal offers sessions that combine several modalities to serve her clients highest good including channeled, intuitive, oracle card and Akashic records readings, light language, energy healing (BodyTalk & her own designed Infinity Healing Technique), inner child healing, soul to soul communication, coaching, dream interpretation, and mediumship. Throughout the session, the participant is gently guided into shifting into a new level of consciousness or awareness that helps them embody more of their authentic selves and to have a deeper sense of understanding and purpose in their life. Crystal’s clients often report that they can move through blockages more quickly, have more consistent growth, increased abundance, and resources, enjoy life with greater ease, have less or no pain in their bodies and significant improvement in their health on all levels (body, mind and spirit).

Crystal is warm, friendly, and professional. Although she has a serious side, she also enjoys a good laugh and Spirit/Source often uses humor during readings to help with healing and to get the message across. Confidentiality is important and Crystal’s desire is to hold an open and non-judgmental space for you during your session. She does her best to share what is coming up (even if difficult) with love and grace. You will leave your session with greater clarity, feeling uplifted and empowered to take the next steps toward living out your purpose with joy and ease.

Crystal also speaks, teaches, and facilitates healing and manifestation programs, workshops and retreats related to wellness on all levels, developing spiritual gifts and abilities, Light Language activations and more.


During a session any of the following may happen:

  • Get questions you have about your life answered
  • Gain new insight for what is coming up in your life or business
  • Understand blockages to moving forward and how to move past them
  • Experience healing physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually
  • Understand what supportive energy or frequency is coming in to support you
  • Connect with Spirit/Source, angels, guides, loved ones who have passed and have a message for you
  • Receive encouragement, hope, closure and healing

Your session includes a recording of the session emailed to you if you wish. 

Your investment:

30 minute session - $99 including GST

1 hour session - $175 including GST

If you have any questions or need help with booking
call Crystal at: 403-585-5243.

Payment will be taken by Crystal at your appointment and can be done

  • by etransfer (preferred)
  • by credit card. 

Please allow 24 hours’ notice for cancellation. 

***Note: You must be 18 or older and Crystal does not answer questions about legal matters, health issues, death predictions, fertility or pregnancy. These are better answered by professionals within those fields.




"Thank you so much Crystal for the reading and healing! I got even more out of the session than expected, and I gained a greater clarity and sense of direction in several areas of my life. What an amazing gift you have! Keep it up. I'll definitely be back.”  Amy, Home Designer and Organizer

“I was so depressed and anxious then I talked with Crystal. She guided me and she was so spot on during the session. Crystal is humble and calm. I'm impressed with her reading! I recommend everyone to her for readings they’ll never regret.”  Mz.P

​“What an extraordinary and wonderful gift Crystal is to our world. Her natural ability to help me understand what emotions I wasn’t dealing with and immediately helped to guide me to release some blockages. She has a very calming demeanour, and I could tell she truly cared. This is another complimentary tool she has used to help me move forward on my path. I look forward to my next session.”  Richard, Manager

“Recently I booked one of Crystal’s intuitive sessions and all I can say is WOW! She shared messages from loved ones and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. I really believe that angels work through Crystal and do not hesitate to recommend her.”  Helen, Intuitive & Energy Healing Practitioner

“Totally awesome and worth the money! The questions I needed answered were bang on, and even stuff I didn’t ask about came up. I slept like a baby after my session. Keep up the great work. You definitely have the talent.”  Shelley, Healthcare Worker

"I have seen Crystal several times for individual BodyTalk sessions. She has helped me with pain, headaches, and insomnia. I have nothing but positive things to say about our work together. With her knowledge and intuition, there is an ease and flow to our sessions.  I greatly value our time together. I highly recommend Crystal for all sorts of imbalances. I trust her completely. Please consider working with her!"  Dr. Leslie Deems, DACM, LAc

​“I just want to give a shout out to Crystal for an amazing session. It was really cool how she reconnected meet with my grandma who had passed away. She even heard her name and what she looked like and her stubborn thumb. And when she passed away, I was pregnant with my first son and that was how she connected with me. It was about him and what he needed right now. It was so meaningful and I’m looking forward to implementing some of her advice that Crystal channeled. It was such an amazing, meaningful session. It was really irreplaceable in my life and I’m super grateful Crystal was willing to do that for me. If you’re wanting a powerful meaningful connection from Source, hearing from a loved one that has passed on that may have wisdom for you, I would highly recommend having a session with Crystal. It’s absolutely amazing.”  Mandy, Financial Planner

“Thank you so much for my session. It was much appreciated. It is good to have a reader who will tell you not just what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. The information is priceless. Thanks again!”   Anonymous

“Wow! Thank you so much. You have given me a lot of guidance through the reading. I just stopped doing what I loved and now it’s time to fulfil my dreams. You have such a beautiful energy. You’re amazing. Such a beautiful earth angel.”  Anonymous

"Crystal has been great at being able to assist me in getting to the root of my ailments rather than using pain medication to put a band-aid on the problem. I have some health issues that include Crohn’s disease, stress overload, depression, and insomnia. After doing some research I found that BodyTalk could help address my issues naturally. After my first session, my stress level and depression went down considerably, and I was no longer yelling at my kids over little stuff like spilling things or making a mess. I started sleeping through the night and felt refreshed when I woke up. After 3 weeks I did another session to help with some hip and shoulder discomfort I was experiencing. During the session I realized I was carrying negative stress from my childhood. It brought up some old memories related to not being worthy or good enough. I realize now, after dealing with the emotional baggage, that it had been affecting me for years. After my session, the pain and discomfort in the hip and shoulder subsided. I now have a new awareness of my mental and physical state and can see how interconnected my body and mind are.”  S.L, Mother & Student

“Crystal it’s my first time to have a reading from you and you’re absolutely amazing! Your vibes are so good and also your voice calms my anxiety! Thanks for all the encouragement, insights and advice. You were accurate and spot on. You brought positive energy to me. I appreciate your time and energy.”  Anonymous