Elestial Smoky Quartz
Elestial Smoky Quartz
Elestial Smoky Quartz
Elestial Smoky Quartz

Elestial Smoky Quartz

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Arkansas Crystal Cluster

Hardness: 7
Zodiac: Cancer
Planet: Saturn
Chakra: All
Element: Storm
Found: Arkansas
Programmability ~ Amplification
Geological Information

Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal and is among the most abundant minerals on Earth. It is estimated that about 1/3 of Earth’s crust is made up of some form of Quartz, with most Quartz said to be 100-125 million years old. Found on every continent, Quartz forms in a wide range of environments. It forms as hexagonal prismatic crystals with naturally faceted terminations that may occur on either one or both ends.

Quartz is also known for its piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, which means it is capable of transforming mechanical pressure into electromagnetic energy and vice versa. It is used in the technological world because of its ability to focus and amplify. You will find Quartz in ultrasound devices, watches, microphones, radio transmitters, memory chips and many others, making it a great stone to have when you are using electronic devices as it dispels static electricity and cancels out any harmful effects from radiation and radioactivity.

Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties

Quartz is known in the mineral kingdom as the most versatile and multidimensional mineral. Unlike most other stones, it is able to be programmed with a focused intention that is capable of achieving virtually any goal. It will then amplify that intention out into the world.

The properties of energy amplification and memory make Quartz an excellent stone for healing, meditation, communication with guides, past-life recall or essentially any purpose programmed into it. Quartz produces healing negative ions that clear the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the auric field.

Being a stone of adaptable properties, it is able to amplify the energies of any other stone that surrounds it, making it the ideal stone for grid work. It is a great stone to assist one in overcoming confusion and can bring clarity of thought and purpose to the mind.

~Carrying Clear Quartz on your person or even touching it when needed can give you an instant boost.

~Sleeping with Clear Quartz can make one’s dreams more vivid and can assist in deepening meditation.

~Can be used for any metaphysical purpose so long as it is programmed with focused intent.

~Can collect a significant amount of psychic debris over time and should be cleared regularly with saltwater or charged with Moonlight, Sunlight, and/or Copper.

~Quartz is a stone that is known for its ability to heighten one’s spiritual awareness, which grants it the name “The Stone of Light.”

~Clear Quartz can display the entire color spectrum when exposed to the sunlight showing flashes of the rainbow; it was believed to harness the power of the Sun as a source of solar refraction.

Said to be the Supreme Gift of Mother Earth, even the smallest specimen is infused with the properties of a master healer teacher. Clear Quartz has been valued by almost every civilization as far back as Atlantis and Lemuria and has been the center of many spiritual beliefs and fables.  Many ancient civilizations in North America believed Quartz to be living beings that only take a breath every hundred years or so, and who were incarnations of the divine. Some even presented Quartz with food as ritual offerings. Japanese cultures called Quartz “The Perfect Jewel” and viewed it as a symbol of infinite space, purity, and perseverance. Countless other cultures used Quartz in diagnostic healing and meditation, and some even believed Quartz to be a religious object that could dispel evil and magical enchantments.

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